NH Cannabis Legislation

HB 1633 Public Hearing

CALL TO ACTION: HB 1633 (‘Live Free’ Bill Hearing)

This coming Wednesday, January 17, the NH House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee will host a public hearing on HB 1633 at approximately 2:45 pm.

HB 1633, the ‘Live Free’ bill, is an improvement on HB 639 from last year. …

2024 Cannabis Legislation Update

Perhaps you heard, there was a Cannabis Commission that met through the fall into December. It was created after HB639 (free market bill) was killed by the Senate. And after the Governor announced (the day after that great free …

Cannabis Farmer Survey Blog Post Cover Image

NH Farmers Survey Results: Cannabis Legalization

Throughout the months of August and September, we conducted a survey of New Hampshire farmers to understand their respective positions and opinions regarding the potential legalization of cannabis in the Granite State. Additionally, our survey sought to gauge their …

My Friends, We Have MUCH to Discuss

It’s been a couple of months. I’m sure you are wondering where we’ve been.
Truth be told, after the contentious end to this year’s legislative session we needed to take a little breather to collect our thoughts and enjoy some …

Action Alert: Support HB 639 in the NH Senate

HB 639 would legalize the cultivation and sale of adult-use cannabis in New Hampshire. It would provide opportunities for Granite State farmers and businesses; raise funds for substance abuse prevention and treatment; and regulate the cultivation, processing, distribution and …