Do You Want to Buy Your Cannabis From the Government?

Do You Want to Buy Your Cannabis From the Government?

As things are moving quickly in the past week or so since Governor Sununu voiced his new found support for a state monopoly on cannabis (similar in nature to how the state treats liquor), we are looking to gauge the public’s stance on two possible versions of a state-run retail cannabis market in NH.

In one version being considered, the state would serve as the sole retailer of cannabis. In the other version, both the state and existing Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) would be the only retailers of cannabis.

In order to gather some data from the public, we have created the following two quick polls to see where Granite Staters stand in regards to the above ideas being currently discussed this coming week in the state legislature.


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The NH government will be the sole retailer of adult-use/recreational cannabis in the state.


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The NH government & Alternative Treatment Centers (ATCs) will be the sole retailers of adult-use/recreational cannabis in the state.


If you all could also share this information with your own networks, it would be much appreciated.

DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to serve as an endorsement for either of these proposed state monopolized, adult-use markets.

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