Results of HB1633 Committee of Conference are Underwhelming
Results of HB1633 Committee of Conference are Underwhelming
Concord NH June 7, 2024 – As a starting point, we’d like to say we agree with Representative Hunt when he said in part “The Senate made this bill the ugliest, the most government-intrusive, the most over-regulated marijuana statute they could…”
We are pleased to see the committee of conference produced the some changes.
- Prioritizing licensure of ATCs – an absolute must have change.
- ATCs can transition to for profit. *Unless we are mistaken, that language was in Senate bill and this may be a technical fix
- Decrim increased from 3/4 of an ounce to one ounce
- One additional member of the cannabis industry added to the control commission
- No penalty for passenger consuming an edibles
Although we applaud the work of the committee and some of the results, everything outside of the Governor’s red lines should have been up for discussion and negotiation so the bill could be significantly ‘fixed’ before passing.
While we applaud the legalization efforts of many in NH, unfortunately, this is nowhere near enough to take the bill from Representative Hunt’s description to something functional for the residents of the state desperate for the economic opportunity legalization is supposed to provide.
NHCann has been fighting for cannabis legalization for years and although passage of HB1633 would accomplish it, we can not support the passage of this bill.
About NHCann:
The NH Cannabis Association is an all-volunteer New Hampshire-based business and industry organization dedicated to advocating for economic opportunity for all residents that wish to enter and compete in the cannabis industry.
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