Action Alert: Our Last Chance to Stop HB1633 is Thursday at the Statehouse

NH HB1633 House Vote

Action Alert: Our Last Chance to Stop HB1633 is Thursday at the Statehouse

If you want the opportunity to enter and compete in the cannabis industry, Thursday will be your last chance to make sure the State does not take it over for the wealthy and connected! Join us at the Statehouse Thursday morning to tell our State Representatives to vote NO on HB1633!


  • Who: Advocates and patients who oppose the Senate version  of HB1633
  • When: Thursday May 30th from 8am to 10:30am as State Reps enter the Capital (you can also stay and watch the session afterwards)
  • Where: Outside Reps’ Hall, 2nd floor of the State House at 107 North Main Street, Concord NH 03301
  • What: Signs will be available. Bring your own if you prefer!
  • Why: If the House votes to concur with the Senate’s amendment, New Hampshire will enact one of the worst cannabis legalization laws in the country. You deserve better. The House must vote to non-concur and force a “committee of conference” so further negotiations can take place between the House and the Senate.



In the meantime…

Contact Your State Rep. and Ask Them to Vote to Non-Concur on HB1633!



Contact Your State Representative:

  1. Find Your Senator:
  2. Locate their phone number and email on their profile page.
  3. Call or send them a respectful email asking them to non-concur on HB1633.



Also, a reminder to visit our digital media properties at the links below. Like, follow, request access and share with like minded people in your network.

If you would like to be considered to charter a networking group in Portsmouth, Concord and points west contact us today.





Thank you to this article’s sponsor, Loanviser. If you need cannabis financing or cannabis credit card processing services contact the experts at Loanviser today!

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