We Need Your Feedback!

The NH Cannabis Association was created to connect, organize, educate and support the community, entrepreneurs, advocates, legislators and investors interested in participating in, or supporting the local and growing cannabis industry as we move from medical to recreational legalization of cannabis.

NHCANN has been instrumental in generating grassroots support and citizen centric efforts for cannabis legalization in New Hampshire. But we need your input!

NHCANN is conducting a survey of NH farm and agriculture professionals to determine the level of support for and interest in cannabis legalization and cultivation among agricultural producers in the Granite State. Are you interested in expanding opportunities for farmers in NH, and possibly becoming a licensed grower? Your answers will help inform the new Cannabis Commission and will help shape future legislation.

As well, the information will help us work with lawmakers to influence legislation; engage and educate our politicians to end prohibition; organize New Hampshire residents who desire medical and adult recreation legalization; and maximize opportunities for Granite State farmers. Our mission is to connect, organize and support the NH Cannabis Industry.

Please take our survey now! It only takes a few minutes, and your input is valuable and appreciated!

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Are you a resident of NH?
Are you currently a farmer?
If you answered "yes" to being a farmer, what type of farm do you own or work for? (Check all that apply)
Are you a member of any of the following organizations? (Check all that apply)
Should adult-use cannabis be legalized and regulated in New Hampshire?
If cannabis is legalized in New Hampshire, would you be interested in becoming a licensed grower?
If cannabis is legalized in New Hampshire, should licensed growers be allowed to operate retail stores to sell their own products?
If cannabis is legalized in New Hampshire, should the State be the only buyer and seller?
If cannabis is legalized in New Hampshire, should residents be allowed to grow a few (6-8) plants for personal use?
Please provide any additional relevant information, comments, concerns, or considerations in this space.
All responses are confidential. If you would like to receive further information from the NH Cannabis Association, including the results of this survey, please provide your email address above.