Democrat Gubernatorial Candidates Talk NH Cannabis Legalization with NHCann

Democrat Gubernatorial Candidates Talk NH Cannabis Legalization with NHCann

Want to know where the candidates for Governor stand on legalizing cannabis in NH? So did we! So we invited all NH gubernatorial candidates to join us for a candid discussion.

We invited all five candidates including Kelly Ayotte (R), Chuck Morse (R), Jon Kiper (D), Cinde Warmington (D) and Joyce Craig (D).

Kelly Ayotte and Chuck Morse declined to meet with us, however, both candidates came out against legalization in their recent debate on WMUR TV last week. Ben Adlin from Marijuana Moment published an article covering it on September 6th.

All three Democrat candidates joined us and we’d like to extend our thanks. The goal here isn’t for us to tell you who to vote for, but to get information to you so you can make your own decision.

In the meantime, all of the Democrat candidates shared they are pro-cannabis legalization. All were in favor of things like protecting our ATCs and medical patients, supporting farmers and potentially farm direct sales and addressing annulments for example. But we didn’t want to focus on where they agree but did want to highlight some differences in the discussion points so you can discover which might align with your view of what legalization in New Hampshire should look like.

Below are some of the highlights we picked up on as well as the videos as you look towards the primary election tomorrow, September 10th. The biggest difference for us? Probably thoughts on the structure of the industry and the involvement of the Liquor Commission.

Take a gander and mark your calendar to get out and vote!

Jon Kiper

  • Prefers free market but OK with state run models if that is what it takes to pass legalization.
  • OK with liquor commission running stores but didn’t believe they should be any more involved in other aspects of the industry.
  • OK with controls on the number of business entities.
  • Sole focus on funding affordable housing solutions with tax revenue.
  • Supportive of consumption lounges in the future.
  • Not a believer it is a supply side issue nor that consumption rates would necessarily change.


Cinde Warmington

  • Past advocate for decrim as well as legalization as chair for NH Democratic platform committee.
  • History of working with small farmers in NH and supportive of opportunity for them.
  • Open to outdoor grows.
  • No conclusions on structure of the industry but open to input.
  • Not in favor of 15 store limit on dispensaries.


Joyce Craig

  • Very clear about not wanting the Liquor Commission involved in the industry.
  • Did not support the state run model.
  • Favors smaller business and entrepreneurs and local owners.
  • Favors structure that dis-incentivizes large or multi-state operators.
  • Noted Vermont’s structure as a model to learn from.
  • Sees the move to need quickly before the federal government opens up cross state sales.








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